“Managing Director of DDCAP Group, Stella Cox, was invited to Istanbul on 19 February for the Turkey-UK Partnership in Financial Services Conference.
As Chair of TheCityUK Islamic Finance Market Advisory Group, which is the leading cross-sectoral body active in the development and promotion of the UK’s Islamic Finance Sector, Stella delivered a keynote speech entitled “Participatory Finance, the Emergence of a Regional Leader” amongst those at the beginning of the Participatory Finance Day.
Thereafter, Stella joined a Panel Session which discussed the Participatory Finance Model of Turkey and debated the prospects of Success Through Collaboration . Moderated by Ben Aldred, Head of Financial Services at the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the panel included Elvan Oztabak, Head of Investor Relations of Halk Bankasi, Ayhan Keser, Assistant General Manager, of Albaraka Turk Participation Bank and Zamir Iqbal, Head of World Bank Global Islamic Finance Development Centre.
Other keynote speeches during the day were delivered for the UK by H.E. Richard Moore, HM Ambassador to Turkey and Harriet Baldwin MP, Economic Secretary to HM Treasury. Turkish keynotes were presented by Taskin Temiz, Deputy Undersecretary, Undersecretariat of Treasury of the Republic of Turkey, Tevfik Kinik, Executive Vice Chairman, Capital Markets Board of Turkey and Tuncay Dinc, General Manager, Borsa Istanbul.”