DDCAP Extensively Represented at the GIFF and IFN Roadshow

During late October, DDCAP executives were pleased to host a DDCAP exhibition stand in the UK Pavilion at the Global Islamic Finance Forum in Kuala Lumpur.

During the summit, DDCAP Managing Director, Stella Cox, joined the first day Regulators Forum panel addressing ‘Regulation and Supervision of Islamic Finance: Industry Expectations Post Crisis’. Moderating the panel was Dato’ Sri Nazir Tun Abdul Razak, CEO CIMB Group and the other panellists included Dr. Armen V. Papazian, Chief Executive, Keipr, UAE and Ismail Dadabhoy, Head of Islamic Finance, UBS.


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HM Treasury and IFSB Secretary General Honoured at 2010 London Sukuk Summit Islamic Finance Awards

Her Majesty’s Treasury received a timely recognition for 'Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Islamic Finance in the UK' at the 2010 London Sukuk Summit Islamic Finance Awards which were…

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DDCAP Honoured at Sukuk Summit Awards

London – DDCAP Limited was named the ‘Best Islamic Finance Market Intermediary’ at the 2010 London Sukuk Summit Islamic Finance Awards which were presented at a Gala Dinner at the Hyatt Churchill Hotel in London in June 2010. The Awards, organised by ICG-Events, honoured institutions and individuals involved in the Islamic finance industry for their contributions and achievements during the past year. The Guest of Honour at the Awards was Dr Catherine Cowley, Senior Lecturer in Ethics and Finance at Heythrop College, London University. Her Majesty’s Treasury won a popular and timely recognition for ‘Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Islamic Finance in the UK’. (more…)

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We are pleased to announce the formal opening of DDCAP (DIFC) Limited and the appointment of Cassim Docrat to head our new office.

Cassim is the Director of DDCAP (DIFC) Limited and the Company's head of marketing. Cassim has over 28 years international banking experience in Canada, the US, Europe, Asia, the Middle…

Continue ReadingWe are pleased to announce the formal opening of DDCAP (DIFC) Limited and the appointment of Cassim Docrat to head our new office.