
The ETHOS Asset Facilitation Platform™ (ETHOS AFP™) has been developed to accommodate the specific trade and post trade requirements that relate to a broad and expanding range of financial contracts within the Shariah compliant and responsible finance universe. ETHOS AFPTM encompasses our clients’ wholesale and retail product requirements, extending from consumer banking, treasury and capital markets to investment management and takaful. The system offers extensive functionality across all areas of the platform, including:
Minimal data entry is required. Auto-complete, drop-down selection boxes, multiple trade upload for both purchases and sales using excel/csv files and other extensive input efficiencies are available throughout the platform enabling transactions to be input in a matter of seconds.
ETHOS AFPTM has the functionality to allow different entities to view, action and complete the purchase and sale of commodities for a single trade so all required documentation is exchanged electronically within the ETHOS AFPTM platform by authorised users. Trading calendars are available to enable the automated prompting of transaction renewals.
Ensure that all data and workflow functions are personalised and centralised, making the platform intuitive to all users. Furthermore, users can select to display wording in either English or Arabic.
A full suite of supporting trade documents, including offers, notices of sale, confirmations, documents of title and title transfers, are immediately available to the client at the appropriate stage of the transaction, both on screen through the document store or by download to the approved user’s desktop.
All documentation originated by the platform is stored and immediately available to authorised users at any time
Assisting with environmental considerations, the platform eliminates the previously paper-intensive nature of the Sharia’a compliant transactional environment.
Allows users to access both a full suite of pre-defined transactional reports and to create their own reports through the use of a sophisticated data filtering tool. A range of downloaded formats is available to users for their convenience and reports can be constructed with reference to clients’ own financial control requirements.
Historical transactional documentation stored on behalf of the client offers immediate access to pre-approved users to satisfy audit, including Sharia’a requirements.