DDCAP Limited – Executive Partner of the IFN Investor Forum held in Dubai on 1st April and the IFN US Investor Forum held in Dubai on 2nd April

DDCAP were delighted to be an Executive Partner of and in attendance at the IFN Investor Forum and IFN US Investor Forum on 1st and 2nd April respectively. Cassim Docrat,…

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DDCAP Partners Deloitte in launching the IFKC Research survey “The rise of EuroSukuk market in Europe”

DDCAP has assisted the Deloitte Middle East Islamic Finance Knowledge Center (IFKC) in raising awareness of ‘alternative investments,’ such as Sukuk among both issuers and investors in Europe. DDCAP along…

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DDCAP wins prestigious Global Islamic Finance Award for “Best Sharia’a Compliant Commodity Facilitation Platform”

DDCAP was awarded the "Best Sharia'a Compliant Commodity Facilitation Platform" in recognition of its’ multi-award winning Asset Facilitation Platform at the Global Islamic Finance Awards 2014. The awards dinner took…

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