Saudi Central Bank Introduces Two Documents Aimed at Regulating Crowdfunding Platforms and Activity in the Kingdom

The Saudi Central Bank (SAMA) introduced two official documents in December 2020 aimed at regulating Crowdfunding platforms and activity in the Kingdom. The documents include Rules for Engaging in Debt-Based…

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Bank Negara Malaysia Pioneers Comprehensive and Robust Licensing Framework for Islamic Digital Banks

Malaysia inched forward to licensing the first digital banks (DGs) in the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) member countries, when Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) issued a Policy Document on Licensing Framework…

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Bank of England Rolls Out Alternative Liquidity Facility for Islamic Banks after Long and Comprehensive Process of Consultation and Development

The supervision and regulation of Islamic financial institutions (IFIs), especially in non-traditional markets, took a major step forward as the Bank of England rolls out its pioneering Alternative Liquidity Facility…

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Islamic Finance Industry Mourns the Passing of Internationally Respected Shariah Scholar and Advisory Sheikh Dr Abdul Sattar Abu Ghuddah

The global Islamic finance industry lost another pioneer in internationally respected Sharia’a scholar and advisor Dr Abdul Sattar Abu Ghuddah, who passed away aged 80 on Friday 23 October 2020…

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Malaysian Finance Minister Hands Out Spate of Tax Incentives to Islamic Finance Sector in Budget 2021 to Mitigate COVID-19 and to Push the Country’s Sustainability and SRI Agenda

Malaysian Finance Minister Tengku Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz continued the tradition of government support for the Islamic finance sector in his National Budget 2021 presented to parliament on 6 November…

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Saudi MoF Sustains Monthly Domestic Sukuk Issuance in November as Overall Volume Rises to Over SAR85bn (US$22.64bn) for the First Eleven Months of 2020

The National Debt Management Center (NDMC) of the Saudi Ministry of Finance (MoF) continued with its monthly domestic sovereign Sukuk issuance in November 2020 with a two-tranche offering totalling SAR794.5…

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Oman Sovereign Domestic Sukuk Issuance Gathers Pace with Two Offerings in November 2020 Totalling OMR233m Including a Sukuk Targeted to Retail Investors

The Government of Oman represented by the Ministry of Finance (MoF) returned to the market in November 2020 with two Omani Rial Sukuk issuances – one an institutional and the…

Continue ReadingOman Sovereign Domestic Sukuk Issuance Gathers Pace with Two Offerings in November 2020 Totalling OMR233m Including a Sukuk Targeted to Retail Investors